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Download daria beavis butthead

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However, despite being idiots in most situations, they can be surprisingly sharp when making comments about TV shows and music videos. Book Dumb: They are illiterate slackers who couldn't care less about academics.Bastard Bastard: Their fathers knocked their mothers up and then just took off, and the boys have since grown up to become a pair of unpleasant and destructive delinquents.They have been the subject of controversy by parents out-of-universe for all the risky and illegal behavior they've engaged in, from skipping school to putting dogs in the washing machine on whims. Anti-Role Model: They're good examples of how not to behave.

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When the two are hung upside down from a marquee, Butt-Head makes comments about Beavis’s rear end and changes the subject when Beavis accuses him of having an interest in it. Not to mention the fact that Beavis pondered wherever or not it was normal to develop erections over boys on a bus. Ambiguously Bi: Despite the both of them being desperate to "score" with "chicks" and seemingly being grossed out by the idea of seeing a guy naked, their idolizing to the point of heavily implied crushes on Todd tell a different story.Aerith and Bob: Most of the characters on the show have normal names, but Butt-Head wasn't lucky enough to have considerate parents who named him well."A Very Special Episode", "Spill", and Do America are the epitomes of this trope. Accidental Hero: Most of the time, they unintentionally bring good fortune either through touching random things that just so happens to bring good luck or downright failing to inflict bad fortune upon others.Tropes associated with both Beavis and Butt-head: Our two, er, "heroes", who spends their lives unwillingly going to school, working at Burger World, watching TV, trying to "score" with "chicks", and causing trouble. Voiced in italian by: Luigi Rosa (Beavis, seasons 1 to 3, 6), Paolo Rossi (Butt-head, seasons 1 to 3, 6), Nicola "Faso" Fasani (Beavis, seasons 4, 5 and 7), Stefano "Elio" Belisari (Butt-head, Seasons 4, 5 and 7), Alessio Cigliano (Beavis, Beavis and Butt-head Do America), Neri Marcorè (Butt-head, Beavis and Butt-head Do America)( Also see their Self-Demonstrating page, here.)

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